how to avoid deadlock in sql server stored procedure

You will use Transact-SQL statements to create and manage advanced database objects that include scalar and table-valued functions, views, stored procedures, … When a SQL Server instance deadlocks, it can be anything from minor irritation to something far more severe. Stored Procedure Example Using sp_getapplock . Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. As expected session 60 is processed first.

  DECLARE @RC INT Isolation levels are discussed in an earlier lesson. The query that predicts the order in which the session_ids will be processed: the order is 60, 59, 57, 52.     END [SubStoredProc];   [session_id] ASC,

  [connection_id] ASC,  [session_id] [smallint] NOT NULL,

In fact, we've even used this just as a mutex mechanism where we may have a pool of processes on separate systems, where tasks are mutually exclusive.
It is automaticly cleaned up in the stored procedure [sp].[GetPace]. --/ SELECT @message = CONVERT(VARCHAR(30), GETDATE(), 121) + ': Hello World!'

as a means of preventing those. Always great to learn about new ways a feature can be used. [sp]. This means your locks are automatically released if, say, your session is terminated abnormally by loss of connection or any other means, just like any table lock would be if you were to die mid-transaction. This stored procedure is used to implement Protection Against Concurrent Executions. Description: Generic stored procedure that can give a different stored procedure
        RETURN @RC For your convenience the links to MSDN for help on those two system stored procedures: IF @EnableDebugMessages = 1     JOIN That should do the same thing as all connections would be attempting to access the same shared temporary table, the serializable isolation should hold the lock for the duration of the transaction (stored proc innards) preventing the rest of the proc being executed by 2nd+ concurrent connections.


That this method utilized SQL Server's own lock mechanism it a life saver. If an error is unhandled in a stored procedure, it can be caught in a SSIS Package, based on the settings in the package. In the stored procedure, the first instruction should be: ) ) WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] [udm_storedproc_executions] In addition, if the lock isn't held by the transaction SQL Server doesn't just return a return code, an explicit error is thrown and the code must account for that possibility. For T-SQL …     WHERE

Hans is an Independent Business Intelligence and Datawarehouse Consultant & Microsoft SQL Server Consultant, working in the Netherlands.

    ---) Stored procedure body

SET ANSI_NULLS ON As you might have noticed, this only worked because the timeout was 60 seconds, and all the executions could be completed within those 60 seconds.     --\ Use junctions! ==========================================================================================     END. [connection_id] In this stored procedure example (of which you can download the script) sp_getapplock is used with @LockOwner = ‘Transaction’. AS SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON

Excellent article. (     WHERE   ---) Declarations.         sys.dm_exec_requests der */     END       WAITFOR DELAY @WaitTime Your approach could however have a bigger impact on existing stored procedures and would require more testing and rework. * Certified in MS SQL Server:     BEGIN         AND spx.   DECLARE @SpidThatWins INT     FROM     WHEN @@SPID = @SpidThatWins THEN 'CONTINUE' The second tool is a little clunky because it takes a little while to load up the locks, but otherwise it works just fine. [session_id] There are also negative return codes such as minus one which indicates that the lock could not be granted by the timeout and other negative codes for other error situations.     SELECT @message = CONVERT(VARCHAR(30), GETDATE(), 121) + ': AppLock released ..' A better solution is available: SQL Server provides an application manageable lock mechanism through the sp_getapplock / sp_releaseapplock pair of system stored procedures.         @LockOwner = 'Transaction', BUG: both sp_getapplock gave 0 at once! The upper window grabbed the lock first and held it for 30 seconds.     RAISERROR(@message, 0, 1) WITH NOWAIT; COMMIT TRAN   ---) Stored procedure body ..

So if you want to create a stored procedure that is Protected Against Concurrent Executions, you have to do it yourself. Thanks Lee for your reply. IF @RC < 0 No query had to wait 10 secPlease help me. GO

Author: Hans Michiels         dbo.udm_storedproc_executions spx     THROW; SQL Server is already serializing the procedures.

-------------- [sp]. Then session 57. If started at exact the same time, the lowest SPID wins. ========================================================================================== [start_time]         AND spx. [GetPace]', 'P'); ( [start_time] ASC,         AND spx. [task_address] = der. Description: Example of stored procedure that is using sp_getapplock by using a transaction.

He has been working in the software industry since 1996, with SQL Server since the year 2001, and since 2008 he has a primary focus on datawarehouse- and business intelligence projects using Microsoft technology, using a Datavault and Kimball architecture. AS i understand this is for preventing same stored procedure from being executed by different users at the same time. Hope this was helpful, if not, please explain what your use case is.         SELECT @message = CONVERT(VARCHAR(30), GETDATE(), 121) + ': AppLock obtained ..'

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